Monday, April 25, 2016

Question of the Week #149

In the midst of the continual chaos that seems to be the rule and not the exception at my home lately (and yes, still s-l-o-w-l-y unpacking too) I woke up this lovely Monday morning and my first response was "Gotta get u...uh uh...NO. Not happening on this schedule. I'm too tired.

I'm just too tired to keep doing this routine at this relentless pace and when I woke up this morning with the lists and schedules and "gottas" in my head my spirit just balked and said NO. Yes, my spirit, that light hoped sprite that is the inner me (that has been reduced to extreme drudgery lately in the hopes of "catching up" and maybe even (gasp!) "getting ahead" in the faintest of hopes that I might be able to acquire that most elusive of things known as "free time")--- my spirit realized there is no such thing as "free time" and that you have to make time or you will always be chasing that dream and always be too tired. My spirit flat out balked at stepping back in to this drudge routine and then went completely mule.

So here I am, I'm taking another ME day but it is not a "lazy day" by any means, I am doing stuff only for me today and if it benefits any one else in my household that is a nice bonus but not a major concern of mine. They all know how to make a sandwich or something so they won't starve and the world is not going to come apart at the seams if I don't do the laundry or the dishes or...

So I am doing something just for me today, I am working on my office/studio area to get it the way I want it. I am tired of sitting at my kitchen table and trying to run the household and figuring out what goes where until "this can be moved" or "that can be brought over". I'm tired of worrying somebody might spill something (me, mostly me) on my laptop because it's sitting at the kitchen table and nobody wants to sit at the kitchen table because Ma is a bit tense about EVERYTHING at this point. So today, at my house, it's all about me, Me, ME!

In the midst of our frantic routines we all need to take a breather now and then and do something nice for ourselves, it's a crucial cultivation our souls need not only to survive but to thrive.

How about you? What are you doing for YOU this week?

OK...Looking forward to hearing your answers!

Please remember to submit your suggestions and questions to: with Question in the subject line and we'll get your question up here soon!

Happy Monday to all :)

Short and sweet link to the PCASG blog

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